Profile: Annette Lücke

What du you like to do in your free time?
My favourite thing to do is to be outside, go for a walk or do gardening or something creative with what I find on my way or in nature.

Have you always wanted to work with children?
Yes, I already did my school internship in a kindergarten and looked after children in the neighbourhood at an early age. Later I learned the profession of a family nurse.

What do you like most about working with the youngest children?
At this age, the children are still very unencumbered and completely themselves. There is still this small, manageable world for them and I get to show them new things every day to explore and get to know it.

How did you find your way to our Owl's Nest?
An employee from the Child Day Care Office (Child Day Care Network) called me and told me about the position.

Where did you look after children before you came to us?
I was a self-employed childminder in Haiger-Allendorf for almost 5 years. Before that, I worked as a family carer for many years, supporting families with children in their everyday lives.