eplas® - Your Software for highest Occupational Safety
"The employer is obliged to take the necessary occupational health and safety measures, considering the circumstances that influence the safety and health of employees at work." According to § 3 ArbSchG, this is one of the basic duties of an employer. A total of 12 paragraphs in the Occupational Health and Safety Act deal with the employer's duties.
A violation or an unprofessional to lax implementation of these measures can have devastating effects. High fines, minor to severe accidents or even the death of an employee can be the consequence.
Your Advantages with eplas® for Occupational Safety
eplas is always up to date with latest laws and guidelines, uncovers deficits and reminds you of deadlines, audits and revisions. No one can remember everything - the bigger the company the more complex the challenge.
eplas puts an end to overflowing folders, complicated Excel lists, overdue coordination and confusing delegations.
Employees are trained on schedule and on a recurring basis, without lengthy training preparations or elaborate documentation of attendance, in all the topics required for their job.
And all of this without any loss of productivity!
What's more, this is not only limited to DGUV Regulation 1 instructions. You can cover all operational topics like quality management, environmental protection and topics relevant to production.
The sustainable transfer of knowledge is ensured, even for practice-oriented topics, by combining classroom and e-learning units.
Our system brings transparency to your safety-relevant processes. Use our expertise as an advisor to consciously develop your processes for the future. On this path, we see ourselves as your guide through the intricacies of occupational safety. Keep an overview and standardise your processes with the necessary foresight and creativity. As enablers, we address things openly and honestly. We enable you and your team to sustainably grow successfully. You can rely on us.
With eplas® you are getting a Software-Solution for Occupational Safety and Staff Management
Whether it is knowledge transfer via blended learning, the creation of risk assessments or the recording and management of hazardous substances, facilities and equipment, eplas supports you in your daily work - easily, intuitively and reliably. With eplas, you use software which has processes that fully comply with the requirements of the occupational health and safety standard ISO 45001.
"A risk may arise in particular from 1. the design and equipment of the workplace and the working station, 2. physical, chemical and biological effects, 3. the design, selection and use of work equipment, especially of working materials, machinery, equipment and installations and the handling thereof, 4. the design of work and production processes, work sequences and working time and their interaction, 5. inadequate qualification and instruction of employees, 6. mental stress at work."
"The employer needs to have the (...) necessary documents at his disposal that show both the result of the risk assessment, the occupational safety and health measures he has specified and the result of their verification. (...) The employer needs to record any accidents in his company where an employee is killed or injured or is totally or partially incapable to work for more than three days."
"The employer needs to take measures to ensure that only workers who have received appropriate prior instructions have access to particularly hazardous working areas. The employer has to take steps to ensure that all workers who are or may be exposed to an immediate significant hazard are informed as early as possible of that hazard and of the protective measures taken or to be taken." (To guarantee this when having more than 500 employees requires a very precise documentation of who has been instructed into what and when. Just one single mistake can have serious consequences).
If you want to read in detail all 12 paragraphs about the duties of an employer in Germany, you can find them here: https://www.gesetze-im-internet.de/arbschg/BJNR124610996.html