Profile: Anette Noffke

What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to work in my garden and love it when I can make plants bloom. I also volunteer at Neustart e.V., an association that looks after fringe groups.

Have you always wanted to work with children?
Being with children has always been a wonderful experience for me. However, I initially chose a different career path. Over a period of more than ten years, I worked as a PTA and enjoyed pursuing my profession. My husband and I then decided for our family time that he would be the sole breadwinner and I would take over the care work for our two children. When a continuation of this task developed in my brother's family, I registered with the AWO for a qualification in child day care.

What do you like most about working with the little ones?
I am always thrilled to see how trusting and inquisitive children are. I enjoy creating an environment for children under the age of three in which they experience an atmosphere of security and safety and at the same time have enough space and incentives to discover the world through play.

How did you find your way to our Owl's Nest?
The coordinator for day care in the Lahn-Dill district gave me the tip and encouraged me to apply.

Where did you look after children before you came to us?
Actually, I have been looking after children all my life! I was a big sister, then a mother, then active in looking after children in the family circle and with the qualification for day care I also worked in families .